BodySlims Worldwide
Our online programme, run on Wednesdays.
Login for BodySlims WorldwideLogin will be available from the weekend preceding the start of the programme for those booked

Amazing Weight Loss Transformation Stories
The BodySlims programme works. All the other weight loss programmes out there focus only on incorporating exercise and diet while promoting short term weight loss results. What makes BodySlims different is that we make sure the way you act, and how you think, is changed for the better, and for good. We know changing the mind is key to changing the body, and our principles can get you to places you’ve only ever dreamed of.
But don’t just take our word for it. Take a look below at some amazing weight loss transformation stories. These are real people who achieved real results and want to share their amazing weight loss transformations with you. Because if they can do it, you can do it too!
Karen Bowman: Conquering the World with Her Weight Loss Success
If you struggle with being able to control your unhealthy eating habits, you’re not alone. Karen, from Dallas, Texas, shares her inspiring weight loss story with you, encouraging you to trust the BodySlims principles because after learning them, she knows she will never go back!
“I've always had a challenge with being overweight. Many programmes have worked temporarily, but they never felt like a real life-changing or real mind shift. I'm 5ft 3, I started at 218 pounds, and I got down to 138 pounds. What I would say really clicked for me with BodySlims is just learning to parent myself around my eating has been huge. The programme is a bit contagious; my husband decided it was something he wanted to give a try and lost 40 pounds himself, so it's interesting to me the impact of being on the programme has on others around you. I've lost 80 pounds on BodySlims, I feel like a different person. I now feel like that issue is behind me, and I can conquer the world. “
Karen’s 80lb Weight Loss Transformation
Anne Hawes: Rising from Rock Bottom and Celebrating Small Wins
We at BodySlims firmly believe weight loss isn’t easy, but the process can be simple. Anne from Louisiana seized the power of the day and celebrated every single step she took towards a better life. Anne dared to dream, and celebrated unimaginable success, so what’s stopping you?
“... I lost 30 pounds on BodySlims. I had lost myself, and I felt so hopeless as I was approaching 200 pounds and I was truly at my rock bottom. I thought I had got to find something. This programme has changed me because Gerard's approach, the BodySlims programme, is so amazing that he's so honest and so sincere in his desire to help you. Every choice I made, everything I said no to, everything I did right, every corner I didn't cut, I would celebrate it. You know, for women out there who are concerned and feel like nothing will work. I was that woman. The BodySlims programme changed my life; he changed the trajectory of my health. I feel like I could do anything. I just want to, you know, yell it from a mountaintop!”
Derek Balfes: Realising the Need for Change and Reprogramming for Success
Derek from Rush, North County Dublin, embraced the transformative power of walking alongside the crucial role of ridding bad behaviour patterns with the BodySlims programme. Be inspired by Derek and witness how the tools we can give you change the limiting beliefs that got you to the weight you are today…
“...Rush, North County Dublin, it's a beautiful part of the country and blessed to have two beaches on our doorstep, which allows us to get out and get our walks in every day. When I actually stood on the scales for the first time, I kind of had my head: ‘You're around the kind of 19 in mark’. Stood on the scales, and I was 22 stone, and I was going, ‘Wow, you have to change; this is it. It's now or never’. BodySlims was brilliant for me. You form bad habits, and that's really what Ger does. He reprogrammes you, gets you thinking about how you've got to where you are, why you’d got to where you are, and then gives you the tools to reprogramme yourself. There's actually sometimes I look at the reflection, I look and have a second take, and that's been, without a doubt, brilliant.”
Irina Barahona: Giving it Her All and Driving Victories Beyond Weight Loss
Being overweight causes you significant health challenges. Irina from El Paso, Texas, was just one amazing BodySlimmer who came to us believing there was no solution out there that could help her. But we helped her break her bad habits, and she hasn’t ever looked back!
“Well, I started my first round of BodySlims, and I've lost 70 pounds. I have tried every weight loss programme I could ever find. You get so desperate for help that you think, ‘Oh, maybe something's wrong with me, maybe I'm broken, you need strategy, you need help’. I went for my annual with my doctor, and he told me I had fatty liver disease. It really freaked me out, so I signed up. I went to the website, and I just kind of gave it my all. The best thing about BodySlims that has helped me, it wasn't so much the weight loss; it's made me a lot more aware of my responsibility to myself, aspects of my life I didn't even think needed addressing. Those were a lot of the causes of why I was in these cycles, these eating cycles, that I was in. BodySlims has helped me in all areas of my life. It’s not just about the way you look; it's also about your quality of life, and it's just wonderful.”
Deirdre Greaney: Seeing Others Success, Taking a Chance, and Losing Nothing But Pounds
Deirdre from Cashel, County Tipperary, has seen all those other weight loss diets and plans and never truly believed they could work. But she took a leap of faith and has now become one of thousands of our success stories. So take your own before picture; the after picture will be ready for you in just 10 weeks. Deirdre didn’t regret it, and neither will you!
“It was actually my partner's sister who was doing the BodySlims programme, but she was looking really well and she was telling me bits about it. I went on to the website and came across all the different testimonials. The results were really amazing and they were ordinary people, so as I was actually looking at that I was thinking ‘Gosh my dad would actually like this as well, I think’, so rang my dad as well. I was like, ‘I'm gonna do this; will you do it with me?’ So he hopped on board. I’ve lost overall 38 pounds. I haven’t been on a lot of different weight loss programmes, but I've seen them, and I've never seen one like this. The elements of bringing the food, bringing the exercise and bringing the mindset together. I wish I found it ten years ago. I just said to everybody, just give it a go, give it one shot, like it’s 10 weeks, what have you got to lose? Only a few stone!
David O’Rourke: Getting Out of His Rut and Dropping 18 Inches
Lastly in this weight loss transformation round up, we have David from Balbriggan, County Dublin. While David was well aware of how being overweight made him look and feel, it was the altering of his mindset that finally got him to where he never thought he could be. If you’re like David and need that mentality shift to get you up and out the door, BodySlims is for you.
“...I’m married to Janice, I have two kids, I’ve Ciara and Cathal, and I have a nephew called Tighe that lives with us as well. You can get stuck in a rut, and I was in that rut. I thought I was around 26 stone. It turned out I was nearly 29 stone when I done it. There's very few pictures of me. I avoided cameras. I couldn’t look at myself. It was horrible, even a reflection in the window. BodySlims, it’s a very positive programme. It’s the head stuff; the head stuff really really helps. It changes the way you think and how you look at things and how you look at ourselves and think about yourself. I started the programme at the end of September last year. I was wearing these [trousers] at the time. I wore them up until about the end of November. They were a 52-inch waist, I am wearing a 34-inch waist now, so it’s a big change. It’s a big change, alright. A good one!”
David’s 128lb Weight Loss Transformation
If They Can Get Their Weight Loss Transformations, So Can You!
We here at BodySlims believe that everyone has the potential to achieve their biggest weight loss dreams. Our programme is different than any other weight loss plan, and the proof lies in our thousands of success stories.
We teach you all the skills you need to change you physically, mentally and habitually. As Deirdre Greaney says, what do you have to lose? Only a few stone! So sign up for our next programme intake today!