BodySlims Worldwide
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How Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Can Aid Weight Loss
We’ve said it before, and we will say it again, unlocking the potential of your own mind is the key to effective weight loss. And one often overlooked tool in this journey is cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). While typically associated with mental health, CBT can actually be a game-changer for achieving weight loss goals. Picture it as a guiding force that helps identify and transform those negative thought patterns, leading us towards better coping mechanisms and enabling the creation of good, healthy habits.
So, let's dive into the world of CBT. What exactly is CBT, and how can it help you achieve your weight loss goals?
What is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy?
Oftentimes, we are more than capable of doing the things that are holding us back. The problem? Our thoughts, emotions and ingrained behaviours get in the way. And this doesn’t mean you should ignore them. Rather, it’s about addressing them and altering your lens on the problem.
Enter cognitive behavioural therapy. At its core, CBT is a talk therapy that reshapes negative behaviours by altering thoughts and feelings. It's about breaking free from the mental limits we impose on ourselves. While CBT can help in many aspects of our lives, we here at BodySlims believe in its power to deprogramme the mind and aid weight loss.
How Does CBT Work?
Picture CBT as your personal coach, helping you believe that you are worthy of good health and everything that accompanies it. It's more than just a therapy; it's a guide to challenge those negative thoughts like "I can't", “I’m too tired” or "I'm not good enough." But it's not just about reshaping your thoughts; it's a transformative approach that delves into the core of your behaviours, linking them to eating, physical activity, and weight management.
The Connection Between CBT and Weight Loss
The intricate connection between CBT and weight loss lies in recognising that thoughts, emotions, and behaviours are interwoven, especially when it comes to eating habits and weight management. Traditional diet and exercise programmes often overlook the psychological aspects of weight loss. This is where CBT with BodySlims shines – mindful eating behaviours are created by modifying those underlying cognitive processes, ensuring that the achieved weight loss is not just physical but also rooted in a healthier mental framework. Which ultimately leads to an increased chance of long-term success.
A large part of our programme's success is mindfulness through CBT. Mindfulness in CBT for weight loss is an innovative approach that urges you to pay attention to the present moment. So simply put, we can change our physical behaviours through emotional processes.
How Long Does It Take CBT to Work?
Now, how swiftly does CBT work its magic? Well, that varies from person to person (depending on the commitment put in), but at BodySlims, we've witnessed mindsets and bodies transform in as little as 10 weeks. And it’s no coincidence that the programme is 70 days; we’ve done the research, and it takes 66 days to get rid of a bad habit and install a new one.
But the reason it varies from person to person is because, while we can give you everything we have and push you to your limits, it is YOU who can truly make the difference. As we like to say, if you're on the pitch, you can affect the game, and even when things aren't going your way, you still have a chance. Somebody else could be presented with exactly the same set of circumstances you are facing, but they've quit because that's their habit pattern. Change your patterns with us and the 70-Day CBT approach, and you can have everything.
Why We Choose the CBT Approach At BodySlims
So, why do we swear by the CBT approach at BodySlims? Because the advantages are life-transforming. Let's dive into the specific benefits of cognitive behavioural therapy for weight loss and the very reasons our team uses it to empower our clients:
1. Improves Self-Awareness
First and foremost, CBT improves self-awareness. With CBT, you become aware of the cure or the trigger and unravel the "why" behind your actions. We’ve found the best way to do this is by actually externalising your thoughts, saying out loud, “I am a quitter” or “I do think I know best”. Doing this helps us identify and control triggers associated with our behaviours, and in the end, you’ll probably go, “oh my god, I see now I see what I'm doing”.
2. Leads to Sustainable Behavioural Change
Sustainable behavioural change is the holy grail of weight loss, and CBT is the key. Unlike quick fixes, like extreme diets, that fail due to temporary behaviours, by addressing the triggers behind them, you can foster not just an understanding of oneself but also a sustainable approach to weight loss and maintenance. By altering our daily patterns one day at a time, we can essentially rewire our brains, and healthy behaviours will become second nature.
For example, you probably instinctively get up in the morning, go to the bathroom, brush your teeth and get a coffee well before your brain even realises what it's doing. That’s because it’s what you’ve always done for an extended period of time. Infusing a habit works in the same way, but just take it one day at a time. We are habitual creatures, so get today right, don't worry about tomorrow. If you can manage to do it one day, you can do it for your life.
3. Manages Expectations
CBT doesn't set you up for disappointment; it manages expectations. We at BodySlims recognise weight loss is not a linear process. This is one of the reasons why we don’t recommend weighing yourself every day; there are lots of factors at play that will fluctuate the scales, like your body's hydration levels and muscle mass. You won’t lose 2 pounds every single week for the duration of the programme, and if you think this will be the case, you’re going to be devastated. You could lose seven pounds the first week and nothing the next. Everyone’s journey is different, and it is the expectation of straight-line weight loss that results in failure.
4. Fosters Positive Attitudes
The power of a positive attitude is often greatly underestimated. Having belief in yourself is one of the first steps in your journey to a better you. But we know it can be hard to put yourself in a positive mindset alone. That’s why we have our success stories; fill yourself with belief from them. Start by asking yourself, “how can I just get to as close to 100 as I can?” and think of all the reasons, big and small. If you just break it down and go, “I will just follow it”; the result you want will be waiting for you.
Discover the Power of CBT to Lose Weight with BodySlims
Now remember, if you’re overweight, you got there by habit. YOU created these habits of not exercising and overeating. However, understanding the meaning of CBT and its power in transforming your weight loss journey is your first step toward a better life.
You can be your own puppet master; you're pulling the strings. You have one life, and you don’t get any do-overs, so choose BodySlims as your partner on this road. Together we can pave the way toward a healthier, happier, and slimmer you!