Every BodySlims legend is just like you - ordinary people who did the extras
Success Stories
This is my 3rd cycle of BodySlims and I’m down 80lbs since the end of September!. I’m finally within normal bmi and haven’t been this weight since high school. I could not be happier and Ger is right in that it feels brilliant and every day I get my present! A huge thank you to Ger, Sharon, Carla, the BodySlims team and the 80 friends doing the program with me and supporting each other!! Life changing and I’m forever grateful!!

80 lbs/36 kgs

I tried on a dress tonight while doing the clothes clear out .. a dress that I wore to a ball a month before we got married and I fitted into it tonight ! I can honestly BS has totally changed me as a person for the better. This time last year I felt completely broken after mum died and settled for my frumpy mammy look too, I was exhausted all the time. Thanks to you and Ger, I stopped making excuses and started showing up for myself.

28 lbs

Lots of people I meet after seeing my weightloss have questions on what Bodyslims is, what they can eat, what they have to do for exercise and all I can tell people is don’t think just book it now and do it, you won’t regret ever starting.

88 lbs

If I can do it anyone can. Thanks to Gerard and all the team God bless you and I will keep you in my Thanksgiving prayers. I have always strove not to be a victim but you have made me realise I am a victor. May the Christ child be with you at Christmas and always. As I face into my 77 year happy and healthy and bringing back SEXY

61.4 lbs/27 kgs

I used to hate upcoming events, hate having to leave the house, having to dress up and not just stay in those XL/XXL pjs. I dreaded it all to say the least. Fast forward 8 months with consistency, hard work, trust in the process, the programme, motivational videos, everything in between and all the other bodyslimmers support, guidance & advice, I am now down 3 sizes, size XL to a size M in clothes & 59lbs down in total.

39 lbs