does drinking water help lose weight

Does Drinking Water Help to Lose Weight?

Oct 9, 2023, 09:22 AM by Sharon Tinkler

Drinking water – it's something we all do daily without much thought. But have you ever wondered if this simple act could be the key to shedding those extra pounds? Can something as basic as staying hydrated really make a difference in your weight loss journey? Well, the answer is a resounding ‘Yes!’, let us explain why.

The Importance of Drinking Water for Weight Loss

Picture this: your body is like a well-oiled machine, and water is the fuel that keeps it running smoothly. Just as a car can't function without petrol, your body can't perform at its best without proper hydration. Water makes up a significant portion of your body – about 60%. It's the essential element that ensures all your bodily processes, from metabolism to digestion, run without a hitch.

friends drinking water after walk

Now, let's dive into the nitty-gritty of how drinking water can be your secret weapon for losing weight.

1. Water Boosts Metabolism

First off, water revs up your metabolism. In fact, when you drink 500mls of water, your body's energy expenditure increases by a whopping 30% for up to 40 minutes. Translation: it burns more calories, just like a car burning fuel. This means that something as simple as drinking water can give your metabolism the boost it needs to help you shed those unwanted pounds.

2. Water Improves Energy Levels

With most restrictive weight loss plans and programmes on the market, people often report feeling tired and “foggy.” However, working with a proven weight loss programme and drinking sufficient water helps counterbalance these feelings of fatigue. Proper hydration contributes to optimal cellular function, nutrient transportation, temperature regulation, cognitive function, and more, which ultimately shoots up your energy levels.

3. Water Can Curb Your Appetite 

Now, let's talk about appetite. Ever feel like you could eat an entire buffet when you're starving? Well, drinking water before a meal can help reduce that voracious appetite. It fills up your stomach, leaving less room for excess calories. In fact, it’s known that severely overweight individuals who drink water before eating can lose up to a staggering 44% more weight than those who don't. That's a game-changer!

4. Water Facilitates Fat Breakdown

But that's not all – water also plays a crucial role in breaking down fat. Proper hydration allows your body to metabolise fats and carbohydrates effectively. So, if you're aiming to lose fat, drinking more water can be your trusty sidekick on this journey.

5. Water Stops You Drinking Your Calories 

When you replace high-sugary and high-calorie beverages with water, you cut out a lot of empty, meaningless calories. Many of these beverages contain little to no nutrients, so they aren’t doing our bodies or health much good. So, opt for water and stay hydrated without the empty calories and sugar.

Extra Benefits of Drinking Water


pouring refreshing glass of water

But water's benefits go beyond weight loss. It's like the Swiss Army knife of health. Water helps regulate your body temperature, keeping you from overheating on hot days. It's essential for your brain, too – even a slight drop in hydration can lead to decreased cognitive function. And when it comes to digestion, water is your best friend. It helps break down food, eliminate waste, and prevent constipation. Oh, and let’s not forget that drinking sufficient amounts of water keeps the skin nourished, leading to fewer wrinkles and blemishes.

Hydration vs. Drinking Water: What’s the Difference?

All this seems great, but here's the kicker – simply drinking water might not be enough to stay fully hydrated. Hydration involves more than just water; it's about maintaining the right balance of fluids and electrolytes. Think of electrolytes like the engine oil that keeps your body's machinery running smoothly. They help retain fluid and improve overall performance. 

So, when you're sweating it out during your daily walk or on a hot day, consider replenishing not only with water but with electrolyte-rich, low calorie beverages or water-rich foods like melons and oranges.

The Weight Loss & Water Myth 

Now, let's address a common concern: can weight loss lead to dehydration? The short answer is no, as long as you're getting enough water. Extreme diets can potentially cause dehydration, but if you maintain a balanced diet and drink plenty of water, you're in the clear. In fact, since water is essential for breaking down fat, it can actually lead to a temporary increase in water elimination. So, it's a win-win.

How Much Water Should I Drink a Day?

Now that we've established the importance of water in your weight loss journey, how much should you drink daily? For men, aim for around 3.7 litres (about 15.5 cups in the US) of water per day, while women should target 2.7 litres (approximately 11.5 US cups). But remember our pro tip – strategically drink water before a meal to help reduce your appetite and boost satisfaction, ultimately making it easier to control your calorie intake.

Tips on How to Increase Your Daily Water Intake

man filling water bottle wit hwater

So, now we know hydration and weight loss are closely linked, how can you up your daily water intake? Well, it's easier than you think, and here’s some tips:

1. Eat Water-Rich Foods

You don't have to chug litres of water; instead, focus on incorporating water-rich foods into your diet. Think melons, oranges, cucumbers – not only do they keep you hydrated, but they're packed with nutrients that support your weight loss journey. 

2. Flavour Your Water

If plain water doesn't tickle your taste buds, try adding natural flavourings like lemon or other fruits for a refreshing twist.

3. Create a Water Schedule 

Creating a water schedule can also help you stay on track. Plan to drink at specific times throughout the day, like before meals or every hour. Use a water bottle with time markings or set alarms on your phone to remind you. It's all about finding what works for your lifestyle.

4. Set Goals and Reward Yourself

Remember, small changes can lead to big results. Start by gradually increasing your water intake until it becomes a habit. And don't forget to reward yourself when you hit your daily water goals – a little incentive can go a long way in building healthy habits.

Transform Your Weight Loss Journey with BodySlims

So, there you have it – the remarkable impact of something as simple as drinking water on your weight loss journey. It's not just about shedding pounds; it's about optimising your body's performance, staying hydrated, and feeling your best. 

And BodySlims can help you get there. Within our ten-week weight loss programme, not only will you find the tools to create a healthy habit, like drinking more water, but you will also find a supportive community that will help you on your journey towards your goals. The BodySlims programme can be done anywhere in the world, but you won’t feel that distance because of how the programme is structured: it offers seminars, weekly support comms, exclusive video content, and so much more!

So, raise that glass and toast to a healthier, more hydrated you! Sign up for the next intake - your body will thank you, and your weight loss goals will be within reach like never before!

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