What makes BodySlims different

What Makes BodySlims Different from Other Weight Loss Programmes?

Sep 4, 2023, 11:19 AM by Sharon Tinkler

Are you wondering what sets BodySlims apart from the sea of weight loss programmes out there? Allow us to shed some light on why BodySlims is different and why it is your unrivalled choice for a transformational weight loss journey.

Watch Gerard Moran, the Weight Whisper in video below to learn more -

Why BodySlims Negative Reviews are Hard to Come By

You might be thinking, "Why are negative reviews of BodySlims so rare?" Well, firstly, we like to think it's because our programme delivers real results, and it's been doing so for many years. Those results have seen us grow from a small weight loss group in a Dublin hotel to an international programme being used all over the world. We are Europe's fastest-growing weight loss company, and we have just officially launched in the USA.  We take immense pride in having created a supportive and highly effective weight loss programme that has garnered far more positivity than negativity.

We also believe as a company, we must never give less than our best. We demand more of ourselves than anyone else possibly could. And people see that, they know we are trying, and people genuinely notice it. 

So, why the scarcity of negative feedback or bad reviews? What makes BodySlims stand head and shoulders above the rest? How did we become the leading choice in Europe for weight loss? Let us unveil the answers.

BodySlims vs. Other Weight Loss Programmes: A Trustworthy Approach

Weight loss programmes often face scepticism, and understandably so. Some folks believe these programmes are too restrictive and unrealistic, while others have been burned by past experiences. It's hard to trust programmes that promise the moon. We get it.

At BodySlims, we've seen the same concerns. We've seen programmes flaunting fake results, using photoshopped images, springing hidden costs, and failing to provide sustainable, healthy weight loss solutions. But that's not us. How does BodySlims work? How are we different? Let us explain why.

1. No Upsell, No Catch 

With BodySlims, what you see is what you get. There's a one-time fee – either €250 or €300, depending on your programme choice – and that's it. No hidden fees, no surprise charges. We offer a transparent pricing structure, no long-term contracts, and absolutely no pressure to buy additional services.

So, there’s no catch. We only believe in empowering our customers to make informed decisions about their weight loss journey, free from unnecessary upselling.

2. No Product Add-Ons

We know our programme can help you achieve your weight loss goals. There are no add-on products, so no bars, no pills, no shakes, no potions or lotions, no sales pitches, no affiliate relationships with weight loss product sellers. We only have our team of experienced, knowledgeable staff dedicated to providing you with unwavering support and guidance.

We understand that the path to weight loss should be free of needless costs, upsells and complications, and we are proud to offer you a programme that does just that.

3. A Holistic Approach

Unlike many other programmes fixated solely on the weighing scales, BodySlims takes a more comprehensive approach. We view weight loss as a journey, not just a destination, and to make the journey truly effective and enjoyable, we emphasise improving your overall health (including your mental health) and well-being.

We understand the power of non-scale victories and their positive long-term effects on weight loss. We'll teach you to create sustainable healthy habits and changes, foster a positive relationship with food and exercise and support you through every challenge you face. 

4. Unwavering Support

Here's where we truly shine. You're never alone on your weight loss journey with BodySlims. And that support we provide in multiple forms:

Gerard is everyone’s head coach, regardless of which package you signed up for. All instructions will come from him in his seminars. Just do what he says when he says it, and the magic will happen. 

But he is ably supported by an amazing team. The BodySlims team have all been with us for many years. We don’t factor our emails out to a cheap as chips call centre; you’re always dealing with the BodySlims team directly. 

Our content is, in our biased view, brilliant. We understand by and large, that you already know what you should be doing, moving more and eating less, it’s not rocket science, we get it. But so often, people can’t seem to do what they know or not for any sustained period. We have a framework to get you through this barrier and to have you doing what you know you really want to be doing, allowing you to get where you really want to go. 

We have active social channels on Facebook and Instagram where some people share their journeys. It’s a very supportive environment, and one many people love to be a part of. 

The Proof is in the Results

Now, you might be wondering, "Does BodySlims really work?" or “Is BodySlims any good?”. We could talk endlessly about our programme's effectiveness, but we believe in letting our success stories and testimonials speak for themselves. Just take a look at the real-world results from our participants, or simply search 'BodySlims reviews' – it goes without saying, BodySlims has earned its stellar reputation.

Join Us and Experience the BodySlims Impact

Everything we've shared here is just the beginning of your unique weight loss journey with BodySlims. When you join us, you get exactly what you signed up for and so much more – all without the pressure of upselling or added products.

So, to answer the questions of “Which weight loss programme has the best results?” and “Which weight loss programme is most effective?”; we believe BodySlims to be the world’s leading programme with one of the most groundbreaking unique approaches to weight loss. 

“You’ve got to firstly fix the head, then and only then can the body follow” BodySlims co-founder Gerard Moran.

Designed by Gerard Moran, Europe's top peak performance coach, the results delivered on BodySlims are four times better than the best medical programmes on the market. Gerard’s own background is he is an alcoholic. He often says no one would go to an alcoholic and tell them they should stop drinking so much and believe that to be a cure. Nor would we use such an ineffective approach with a drug addict, but that’s what he believes is done with food and the weight loss industry; there’s no framework for recovery in these approaches hence they usually fail. It’s not so much that people don’t know they should stop, but they find it hard. So that’s what we concentrate on providing you with, a framework to allow you to get back on the right road to where you really want to go. 

You regain control with BodySlims. The ten-week weight loss programme can be done anywhere in the world, but you won’t feel that distance because of how the programme is structured: it offers seminars, a calorie-controlled personalised diet plan, weekly support comms, a short daily video message from the man himself, exclusive video content, and so much more!

So, why wait? Sign up for the next intake and embark on a weight loss journey like no other. Your transformation begins now!


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