Fiona O'Brien

Location - Meath

Weight Lost - 84lbs

Well how am I? Good, great or brilliant??? Brilliant of course....don't get me wrong you can't feel brillant all the time as life is hard but I can't imagine how much harder it would be without bodyslims in my life.
I started this journey September 2021 and I dared to dream....over 1 year later.....December 2022....I've maintained my 6 stone loss (84lbs) . How amazing is that!!!! Bodyslims has given me so much it's changed my life in so many ways.

I've just finished my 3rd program.
I had 3 main goals.
1. To maintain what I had achieved, I'm telling you nothing is as good as great feels and you'll never let that go.
2. Mental fitness, keep the good habits going and finally
3. confidence to look at other aspects of my life....listening to the weekly seminars and every time I always heard something different it's I dared to dream this was my opportunity. I wanted to be brave and change my job. So I did up my cv...I started applying for jobs....I got offered the job and I accepted it.....I felt the fear and did it anyway. When you are brave the universe rewards you. I would never have had the confidence to do that a year ago......bodyslims gives you so much more than's life changing. I start my new job in January and I'm excited about the new chapter.

To all my fellow bodyslimmers and those closest to me (you know who you are) I'm inspired by you all every day and you keep me going, I'm so proud of you all....those just finished their 1st ever program, those continuing their journey and those who have reached their goals. Keep going you never know who you might inspire.

Finally to Geard, Sharon, Carla and all the team at Bodyslims I will always be grateful for Bodyslims coming into my life. #bodyslims4life

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